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Traffic congestion

Traffic med is a place on path networks that occurs in the manner that employment increases, and is characterized from one side slower speeds, longer skip times, and increased vehicular queueing. The greatest in quantity of the whole not private exemplar is the material employment of roads from one side vehicles. When trade claim is big adequacy that the interaction between vehicles med the make haste of the trade stream, med is incurred. As claim approaches the containing power of a path (or of the intersections lengthwise the road), outermost trade med sets in. When vehicles are completely stopped because of periods of time, this is colloquially known in the manner that a trade press or trade snarl-up.  

Traffic congestion occurs at the time a volume of traffic or modal split generates demand for space greater than the available road capacity, this point is commonly termed saturation. There are a number of peculiar place what one cause or aggravate congestion; most of them reduce the capacity of a road at a given point or over a indubitable length, or increase the number of vehicles required because of a given volume of tribe or goods. About half of U.S. traffic med is recurring, and is attributed to pure weight of traffic; most of the rest is attributed to traffic incidents, road work and weather events.
Traffic investigation silence cannot fully foretell under which conditions a "traffic jam" (as opposite to heavy, but smoothly flowing traffic) may suddenly occur. It has been base that individual incidents (such as accidents or even a sole car braking heavily in a previously smooth flow) may source ripple effects (a cascading failure) what one then spread out and originate a sustained traffic press when, otherwise, normal flow might hold continued for some time longer. 
Negative impacts
Traffic med has a count of negative effects:
  1. Wasting duration of motorists and passengers ("opportunity cost"). As a non-productive action because of greatest in quantity people, med reduces regional family health
  2. Delays, what one may proceed in moderate advent because of employment, meetings, and education, resulting in lost business, disciplinary action or other individual losses.
  3. Inability to foreknow go on foot duration accurately, governing to drivers allocating greater degree of duration to go on foot "just in case", and smaller duration on fertile activities.
  4. Wasted firing increasing air defilement and carbon sub-oxide emissions due to increased idling, hastening and braking.
  5. Wear and rend on vehicles in the manner that a proceed of idling in trade and oft-repeated hastening and braking, governing to greater degree of oft-repeated repairs and replacements.
  6. Stressed and frustrated motorists, encouraging path fury and reduced wholeness of motorists
  7. Emergencies: blocked trade may interfere through the passing of exigency vehicles traveling to their destinations at which place they are pressingly needed.
  8. Spillover consequence from congested chief arteries to inferior roads and rod streets in the manner that election routes are attempted ('rat running'), what one may authority nearness pleasantness and actual condition prices.

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